MongoDB demo on Replica Set

Pablo Ezequiel Inchausti
4 min readFeb 17, 2018

Are you curious about how Replica Set works on Mongo DB? How much complex, or easy, is to set it? How the data is replied on “Secondary” slaves? or When a new master is born after the “Primary” gets down?

In this demo, if you keep reading, we will see the highlight steps and commands to deal on Mongo with a Replica Set.

Before we start, we will create three temp directories for this exercise: for simplicity will be using: /tmp/mongors/data

$ pwd
$ mkdir -p data/rs1 data/rs2 data/rs3

Step #01: Start the nodes

First of all, we will create a replica set, with three nodes:

$  mongod --replSet rs1 --logpath "1.log" --dbpath ./rs1 --port 27017 --fork$  mongod --replSet rs1 --logpath "2.log" --dbpath ./rs2 --port 27018 --fork$  mongod --replSet rs1 --logpath "3.log" --dbpath ./rs3 --port 27019 --fork

At this moment, we have three MongoDB, but they are independents (they do not know anything from each other)

Step #02: Setting the Replica Set

To setup the replica set, we will use the following script “init_replica_pablo.js”:

config = { _id: "rs1", members:[
{ _id : 0, host : "localhost:27017", priority:0, slaveDelay:5 },
{ _id : 1, host : "localhost:27018"},
{ _id : 2, host : "localhost:27019"} ]
script init_replica_pablo.js

We will use the second node listening on 27018 as primary (the mongod on 27017 has priority in zero, so is the last elegible for prumary)

mongo --port 27018 < init_replica_pablo.js

Ok, we can see in the secondary logs, that after the replica set on primary, they realized that they are on a replica set:

Step #03: Insert Data in Primary

Now, inside the mongo console, we will run the folling command, and we will insert some data on Primary MongoDD Node

$ mongo --port 27018
Insert data in primary

Step #04: What is happening on Secondary

First time, we see an error, but it can be easy fixed with “rs.slaveOk()” on secondary:

verify on secondary with: rs.slaveOk()

So, we can see the data written on the replica slave, a Secondary One, but, what happen if something wrong affect the master node? It is easy to see … if we broke things!

Step #05: Shut down Primary!

So, the config is:

mongo:27018 was the PRIMARY

Step #05.i ~ Verify status with

Before the shut down, some commands to verify the healthy nodes:

rs.stats() — we see the PRIMARY{ ns : “test.people”}).pretty()
rs1:PRIMARY>{ ns : “test.people”}).pretty()
rs1:PRIMARY>{ ns : “test.people”}).pretty()

We can see our insert ops recorded on

rs1:SECONDARY>{ ns : “test.people”}).pretty()

So, the same are on PRIMARY, and copied to secondaries ….

Step #05.ii ~ Shut Down Primary

mongo:27018 was the PRIMARY
Before KILL PRIMARY in Replica Set

Primary is dead … long live to the PRIMARY!

After KILL PRIMARY in Replica Set — 27019 is the new king!

And that is all! In less than 10 minutos, a fast overview about how to work on MongoDB with Replicas Set

I hope you enjoyed it, and we will see o a next one



You can learn mongo in depth in the excellent course “MongoDB M101J” from MongoDB University. These topics about Replica Set are covered on chapter six



Pablo Ezequiel Inchausti

#cloud . #mobile ~} Sharing IT while learning It! ... Opinions are for my own